Rules of Conduct

The Dickinson Area Public Library is a public use facility. This Code of Conduct has been adopted to ensure a safe and welcoming environment that provides equitable services to all members of the public. Patrons and staff have the right to a secure and comfortable facility with materials and grounds in good condition. Patrons are expected to be considerate and respectful, and behave in a manner that does not disrupt others or interfere with library operations.


  • Any behavior that is deemed disruptive by Library Administration or staff is prohibited. Any behavior that hinders the use of the Library or interferes with a   library employee’s ability to perform their duties is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, physical harassment, excessive or disruptive noise, fighting, and other boisterous behavior.
  • Possession of firearms or other dangerous weapons is prohibited, pursuant to City of Dickinson ordinances and NDCC 62.1-02-05.
  • Alcohol, tobacco in any form or electronic smoking devices may not be used anywhere within the library building.
  • Illegal drugs may not be used or distributed on library property.
  • The library may not be used as a temporary shelter or living quarters. The public restrooms may not be used for other than the ordinary intended purpose. Storage of personal belongings on library property is prohibited.
  • Selling of products and soliciting are not permitted on the library grounds.
  • Theft, vandalism, and damage to library property are criminal offences and may be referred to law enforcement.
  • Trespassing (remaining in or around the building when asked to leave or attempting to enter the building while under suspension of library privileges) will be referred to law enforcement.
  • Patrons must wear proper clothing in the library facility including shirts and shoes.
  • Animals, other than licensed service animals, are prohibited in the library building except when in use during planned library programs. Do not leave dogs or other pets tied up outside.
  • Polite use of cell phones for short, quiet conversations is permitted in the library lobby. Extended conversations or any use that may disturb others should be taken outside.
  • The Library reserves the right to inspect personal items. Patrons are responsible for their personal items, and the Library will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Tampering with library computers and electronics is prohibited. Equipment may not be modified in any way. Other than volume control, changes to the settings of equipment is prohibited. Downloading any program to library computers will result in a loss of computer privileges.
  • Engaging in any activity prohibited by state or federal law or city ordinance is prohibited.
  • Patrons must comply with all library policies.

For the safety and comfort of children:

  • All children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent/caregiver at all times.
  • Children of any age who have special needs related to physical or mental ability, disruptive behavior, emotional problems, lack of adequate attention span, incomplete social skills, etc. shall be attended by a parent/caregiver at all times.
  • Parents/caregivers should make sure a child of any age left unattended at the Library knows emergency contact information.
  • Children 12 years and older may use the Library unattended subject to the rules and regulations of the library.
  • The library does not act in loco parentis and may not be used in place of child care. If the person responsible for unattended children cannot be located, the police will be notified and asked to pick up the child or children.
  • Minors who remain at the Library after closing will be referred to law enforcement to ensure their safety.


People whose actions violate these rules will be asked to stop by library staff. Library staff has the legal right and authority to require anyone violating these rules to leave the library. If necessary, library administration or the Dickinson Police Department will be asked to enforce these rules.

Repeated failure to comply with these rules will result in suspension of library privileges and may result in temporary or indefinite trespass from the library pursuant to the Board of Directors’ authority under Section 40-38-07 of the North Dakota Century Code. Individuals have been trespassed may contact the Library Director to ask for an appeal of their trespassed status to the Library Board. 

Please report criminal conduct or vandalism of any kind to a staff member immediately so the police can be notified.

(Adopted 3/29/2001)

(Updated 4/2014)

Approved by Library Board 5/10/2016

Approved by Library Board 1/17/2023