Roster of Company K Soldiers From the Dickinson, ND Area


DSU Connections

Many of the young men who served with Company K of the 164th Infantry Regiment, were also students at Dickinson State Teachers College, now known as Dickinson State University.  They received money for being members of Company K which was part of the North Dakota National Guard with the money helping to defray their college expenses.  When Company K was called to active duty, is was said that the college was hard pressed to field any athletic teams, as most of the athletes from the various teams were also members of Company K.

jack leithold

On the left is Jack Leithold who attended Dickinson State Teachers College

before being sent to Camp Claiborne.  It was said that he was very nice

and very shy.  He was one of the only young men who worked

in the school's cafeteria and was always gently teased by the female students. 

He was Killed In Action on Guadalcanal at the young age of 23.

pvt herman c diede

Pvt. Herman C. Diede

At his home in North Dakota shortly before leaving for Camp Claiborne, Louisiana.    

One wonders if his steady gaze can see the fate that lays before him. 

Hopefully not.  He was Killed In Action on Guadalcanal

pvt john riedl

Pvt. John Riedl

This picture is typical of those taken of many young men from North Dakota

who took there picture next to the family home before going off to fight in WWII. 

We will be forever grateful for their service.