Confidentiality of Records Policy

All records, formal and informal, maintained by the Dickinson Area Public Library that relate to patrons’ inquiries, registration, reading history, materials consulted, or computer usage are considered confidential. We affirm patrons’ freedom to read, as set forth in the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement

Records are required for maintaining the use of library materials. Circulation records are kept to protect public property. Summary statistics of library use are kept to measure organizational activity. Records are not used for the purpose of monitoring a user’s reading or pursuit of information. 

Any record maintained or received by Dickinson Area Public Library which provides a patron’s name, or information sufficient to identify a patron, together with the subject about which the patron requested information, is considered private and is exempted from the public records disclosure requirements of NDCC 44-04-18 pursuant to NDCC 40-38-12 and shall not be made available upon request to a third party. 

Library records will not be released to individuals, the public, the media, or any government agency except when required pursuant to a court order, search warrant, or subpoena. Only the Library Director, or their representative, is authorized to release requested records under these circumstances. A complete record of the information released, a signed receipt form, and a copy of the court order, search warrant, or subpoena will be retained in a file designated by the Library Director. Should any questions arise, the Library Director will consult the Library Board of Directors and the City Attorney.

An exception to this policy is for parents or legal guardians whose dependent has overdue materials. Upon the request of the parent or legal guardian, the titles and due dates of overdue materials will be provided so that the materials may be returned or replacement costs paid. Identification will be required from the parent or guardian.

Approved by the Library Board  December 8, 2020