FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

  • Boulevards have been designated as snow storage. In areas with boulevards, the windrow will be pushed over the curb onto the boulevard.
  • Sections of streets that do not have driveways on both sides may have all snow windrowed to the side without driveways
  • Keep vehicles off the streets until after plows have gone by. (The City is not responsible for damages to vehicles on the roadway)
  • Limit yourself to essential travel only.
  • Slow Down and allow extra time for travel/commute.
  • Give snow removal equipment space (Stay at least 50 feet back)
  • Please be patient and understand that crews are doing their best.
  • In the event of a True Emergency, call 911.
  • Remember – Every storm is different. We do our best to adapt accordingly.

You can download the Dickinson Works App to get updates sent directly to your phone!


In addition, you can follow the City of Dickinson Facebook Page for updates


  • Sidewalks must be cleared within 72 hours after the snow stops falling. Ice melt or sand must be spread on any icy patches within the same time period
  • Snow may be piled onto your yard, the boulevard, or in the parking lane of the street if there is no other place to put it.
  • If possible, wait until the street has been plowed before cleaning out the end of the driveway.
  • If possible, place snow on the opposite side of the driveway from which the snow plow is coming. This will allow the plow to carry snow away from the driveway rather than back into it.


  • Sidewalks must be cleared within 72 hours after the snow stops falling. Ice melt or sand must be spread on any icy patches within the same time period
  • A business that has no room on the property – with the street on one side and a building on the other side – may put snow in the parking lane or alley way only if these conditions are present.
  • Reduced visibility and slippery conditions make it difficult for operators to see objects in time to avoid striking them.
  • Help reduce the possibility of broken or damaged property including mailbox posts with the following suggestions:
    • Owners are encouraged to put mailboxes at the furthest distance back from the paved surface, within the Postal Service guidelines.
    • Reflectors are useful and should be mounted to be visible from all approaches.
    • Check mailbox posts periodically for deterioration or rot to reduce the possibility of their being broken off simply by the weight of the plowed snow.

Please call the Non-Emergency Police Department number at 701-456-7759. They will direct you to your vehicle. Available 24/7.

  • If you see a snow plow driving away with its blade up, it is most likely leaving for repairs or refueling. It will return as soon as possible!
  • In order to maintain even wear on cutting edges, plow operators may travel against the flow of traffic. They will refrain from this practice on major thoroughfares if possible.
  • Plow Operators may also travel against the flow of traffic in order to move snow to one side. If this is necessary, they will allow traffic to pass them, either by stopping until traffic has passed, or by moving the plow out of the traffic lane until traffic is passed.
  • During a snow Emergency, any cars parked on any Snow Emergency Route is open to citation and/or towing at the owners expense.
  • Download the DickinsonWorks app (SEE “How do I get updates on Snow Emergencies or Winter Updates?” above.) to get notifications when Snow Emergencies are declared so you can move your car and avoid citation and/or towing!

Snow may be hauled from certain streets. Generally, the snow is windrowed to the center of the roadway, but depending on circumstances, may be windrowed to the curbs temporarily, and then pulled to the center when crews are available to haul the snow.

  • This is the responsibility of the property owner, as stated in Dickinson City Code Section 33.04.290
  • The city is not responsible for removing snow on sidewalks or driveways
  • Penalties and Fines can be enforced for non-compliant snow removal.