
Schedule of accepted presentations

The schedule of accepted presentation titles, authors, and abstracts can be found on the Symposium Schedule page.

Abstract submission (posters & lightning talks open)

Note (added Aug 29th)

The original abstract submission deadline has passed, with accepted abstracts now organized into a schedule. However, we will still accept submissions for Lightning Talks and Posters as these would not require rescheduling.

For all submissions, please fill in the online Abstract Submission Form.

Please first read through the following instructions:

Much of the following text has been altered from the SVP 2019 abstract submission website. However note that there are differences, including the ability to submit TWO (2) first-authored abstracts, and the inclusion of a "lightning talks" session of 5 minute presentations giving people the chance to present the very latest discoveries.


Abstracts have the same formatting guidelines as SVP:

  • A maximum of 500 characters is permitted for the abstract title.
  • A maximum of 2200 characters is permitted for the abstract body.
  • A maximum of 150 characters is permitted for acknowledgment of funding sources.
  • Blank spaces between words will not count as characters.

Do not include citations, references, figures, captions, or ad hominem statements.


All presentations and presenters must adhere to the Code of Ethics of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (link).

Research specimens referred to in your presentation must be deposited in an appropriate, publicly accessible, repository. Other relevant data (e.g., those derived from tracksites, geochemical analyses, etc.) are destined to be made available in full at the time of publication. Specimens currently available for sale on the commercial market cannot be mentioned in abstracts, nor can specimens in the collections of private individuals. All work reported must have been conducted within the legal and ethical frameworks of the country in which it was carried out.

By submitting your abstract, you are agreeing to prepare a presentation for the symposium.  If you are unable to attend, you must arrange for an alternate presenter to give your presentation in your absence or it will be removed from the program.

Abstracts should clearly state the goal of the study and include relevant information on specimens or taxa examined, methods, results or findings, and the significance of the results.

Submission Instructions - standard talks and posters

  • Abstracts are submitted by filling in the online Abstract Submission Form.
  • The first author of the abstract must be a presenting author (talks only; posters can be first authored by a non-presenter -edited 23rd April 2019).
  • All abstracts are limited to a maximum of TEN (10) authors.
  • At least ONE (1) author of the abstract must register for the symposium or the abstract will be withdrawn.
  • Up to TWO (2) first-authored abstracts can be submitted for consideration. However, a second platform presentation will only be offered after all other attendees who wish to present a talk (and whose abstract has met the required quality and content standards) have already been allocated a slot. If you wish to submit two abstracts for platform presentations, then the first abstract listed first on your abstract submission form will be considered as having priority in the case of not enough places being available for both. Please note that if you submit two abstracts they must be on different topics or specimens, and they will not be scheduled to occur one after the other (i.e. no author will be scheduled to present two talks consecutively).
  • All authors must prepare for an alternate presenter for their abstract submission in the event they are unable to attend the meeting. Alternate presenters will be expected to present the poster or podium presentation if the author is unable.
  • For each abstract, please include a taxonomic group, geological era, and topic category (selected from list provided) to help us organize the sessions.

Submission Instructions - "Lightning talks" session

  • A session of lightning talks (5 minutes) is being offered. For example you might present the highlights of your 2019 field program or laboratory work. Perhaps you have an unusual research or lab problem and want some quick feedback from the audience.
  • Lightning talks are considered a different presentation format, i.e. they are not intended as a "lite" version of a normal full platform presentation (as has been offered to graduate students at other meetings).
  • If you wish to be allocated one of the slots then you need only provide your name and a sentence describing the expected content of the talk. This information is entered in to the Abstract Submission Form.
  • Each first-author may submit only one (1) lightning talk, but this is in addition to the two (2) full length abstracts (see above). If they wish, authors can choose to only present a lightning talk (ie. not submitting a standard abstract). Please note that lightning talks are subject to the same ethical guidelines as normal presentations (see above).

Submission Instructions - completed submission forms

Once you have completed the Abstract Submission Form, click the submit button at the bottom of the form. A copy of your submission will be emailed to the email address that you supplied which will act as a receipt of submission.

Abstract review & acceptance process

Upon submission, abstracts will be numbered and details of authorship and affiliation removed. The abstracts will then be reviewed for quality and content by the abstract review committee. Authors will be emailed regarding the acceptance and status (talk, poster) of their submission as soon as all abstracts have been reviewed. It is expected that the scheduling of the talks and posters will be emailed separately at a slightly later date.

As noted above, if a second platform presentation is desired, it will only be offered after all other attendees who wish to present a talk (and whose abstract has met the required quality and content standards) have already been allocated a slot. We anticipate that we should have sufficient space to offer at least one talk slot to all participants who want one.

Topic Category

In order to assist us in arranging the sessions, please provide one to three topic categories from the list below. You do not have to pick a taxon or geologic era category if your subject matter does not concern these directly.

Taxon Subcategories




  • Chondrichthyes
  • Osteichthyes
  • Fishes – all


  • Lissamphibia
  • Temnospondyli
  • Amphibians – all


  • Archosauria
  • Crocodylomorpha
  • Diapsida
  • Dinosauria – all
  • Dinosauria – Ornithischia
  • Dinosauria – Sauropoda
  • Dinosauria – Theropoda
  • Ichthyosauria
  • Pterosauria
  • Rhynchocephalia
  • Sauropterygia
  • Squamata
  • Testudinata
  • Reptiles – all


  • Neornithes
  • Aves - all


  • Eutheria – Afrotheria
  • Eutheria – Artiodactyla
  • Eutheria – Carnivora
  • Eutheria – Cetacea
  • Eutheria – Chiroptera
  • Eutheria – Condylarthra
  • Eutheria – Creodonta
  • Eutheria – Euarchonta
  • Eutheria – Glires
  • Eutheria – Incertae Sedis
  • Eutheria – Lipotyphla
  • Eutheria – Meridiungulata
  • Eutheria – Perissodactyla
  • Eutheria – Sirenia
  • Eutheria – Xenarthra
  • Mammaliaformes
  • Metatheria
  • Prototheria
  • Mammalia – all

Geologic Era List

  • Cenozoic - all
  • Cenozoic - Paleogene
  • Mesozoic + Cenozoic
  • Mesozoic - all
  • Mesozoic - Cretaceous
  • Not applicable


  • Biogeography
  • Climate
  • Comparative morphology
  • Development/Reproduction
  • Diversity
  • Ecology
  • Education and Outreach
  • Ethics and Professional Standards
  • Evolutionary Mechanisms
  • Evolutionary Rates
  • Extinction
  • Function/Mechanics
  • Ichnofossils
  • Macroevolution
  • Mitigation
  • New Occurences
  • Other
  • Phylogeny/Systematics
  • Physiology
  • Stratigraphy
  • Taphonomy